sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

¡AYUDA! Necesito recuperar mis mundos

Imagen que he puesto en Tumblr para llamar la atención
Si habéis leído mi último post os decía que Mediafire me había suspendido la cuenta y no tenía acceso a ella. He intentado solucionarlo pero ya no recibo más respuestas suyas, y la cosa sigue igual. Así que lo último que me queda es pedir a todo el mundo, que si alguien tiene en su carpeta Downloads alguna de las versiones de mis mundos, por favor que la suba. Por suerte conservo una versión de cada uno (excepto Costa-Sol), pero la mayoría deshabitados. Sería genial si entre todos pudiesemos reunir todos los mundos para que todos los podamos seguir disfrutando. 

En mi Tumblr he publicado una lista de la versiones que tengo y las que no. Por favor, echad un vistazo y si tenéis alguna os lo agradeceré eternamente si me la podéis pasar. CLICK AQUÍ

Muchas gracias por todo, ¡os necesito más que nunca!

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi Nilxis! I sent you a message earlier, but in case you won't read it, i'll post here. I have your Resort as a Sims3pack file, ending in _EN, so I assume it's the unpopulated English version. I put it in my Dropbox earlier, so if you let me know, i'll send you the link. You probably have it already. I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am to hear this is happening to you, and others, as you have brought so much new life into my game. Really awful and I hope you will prevail. Awesims have suffered the same fate, her Mediafire is also suspended and loads others, as evidenced here: http://themaresnest.wordpress.com/2014/09/18/no-rflong713-it-isnt-just-you-thats-being-affected-by-mediafire-again/

    But keep emailing them and insisting!! Hope everything will work out ok, as I can't bear the thought of not having your work in my game!

    Hope it helps!

    1. Thank you so much Asger!
      Some people have already given me Suvadiva's file, so now there's no need to upload it. Thank you so so much though for your help, looks like step by step with the help of others I'm recovering them :)

      So bad to hear that Awesims is also affected, I've been told that Lunasimslulamai is affected as well. Just awful.

      Thanks again :)

    2. Ah that's such a relief to hear! I was certain people would go out of their way to help out. And this just goes to show the problem of relying solely on online storage, especially if it's a company that apparently deletes things on a whim. I suppose one solution would be to make a Torrent file, but then you wouldn't be able to take it down either, should you decide so. Anyhow, happy to hear you're getting on with the recovery :)

    3. Yes, I am somehow responsible of that situation for relying on Mediafire, I'm so lucky that so many of you are helping me :) Now I'm saving all the versions in a folder and I will make backups in a pen-drive. Then when it's time to reupload them I'm going to look for another online storage site that is reliable.

  2. I only have:
    Emporda_English (unpopulated).Sims3Pack
    Sa Pineda CAW Files.rar
    Sa Pineda.Sims3Pack
    Suvadiva Resort_En.Sims3Pack

    But apparently you already have them.

    Why didn't you save the files in your computer too?

    1. Because I didn't know Mediafire could suspend my files, so I relied on it. Now I'm keeping copies of each world, I'm not going to rely completely on any uploading site anymore!

  3. Hola bones, fa un temps em vaig descarregar el món de Barcelonabeta1.
    Encara el tinc a l'escriptori , com tel podria passar?

    1. No és necessari perquè la Beta de BCN la vaig pujar al Google Drive i encara la conservo. Moltes gràcies de totes maneres, t'ho agraeixo :)
